The performer brand archetype
Dance. Smile. Giggle. Marvel. TrUSt. HOPe. lOVe. WISH. BelIeVe. Most of all, enjoy every moment of the journey and appreciate where you are.

– Mandy Hale –
The performer brand archetype

What the eff even are brand archetypes?!

Archetypes were first introduced by famous psychologist Carl Jung way back in the 1940’s.

If you wanna’ know more about the Jung’s theory, you can read my post over here, or you could just Google it because there are about a gajillion and one articles out there that talk about them.

So instead of trying to summarize his life’s work, this page is my version of how you can apply these babies to your business & life.

Let’s dive the heck in.

The performer brand archetype

Light-hearted and uplifting
Always lives in the moment
Good at playing devil’s advocate

The performer brand archetype

To lighten up the world with humor
To make people appreciate life
To have and create a good time

The performer brand archetype

Can be disrespectful/insensitive
Often frivolous or time-wasters
Uses humor to deflect trauma

The performer brand archetype

Boring others
Being bored
Feeling unfulfilled

The performer brand archetype
Real life performer examples
Click the logosto see how even the biggest brands utilize their archetypes.

Performer Brand Archetype

Now that we’ve covered the basics. . .
Let’s dig into the FUN stuff, yo!

Performer Brand Archetype

TV Show


Performer Brand Archetype

Online Entrepreneurs

Performers are another one of the most misunderstood Brand Archetypes.

They aren’t just crackin’ jokes and goofin’ off all the time. There’s a method to their madness (pun intended). They want people to enjoy their life. They want people to live in the moment. They want people to revel in the process.

Bushra Azhar // The Persuasion Revolution

OMG y’all. Bushra is seriously one of the most hilarious humans to ever exist. I’m kinda in love with her. PLUS she knows her shit.

She’s all about “helping tiny businesses make big bucks using the psychology of persuasion” and she does it in the most entertaining way possible.

You are SERIOUSLY missing out if you don’t go follow her stuff right now.

Follow Bushra:           

Performer Brand Archetype

Fictional Characters

Did you know that the archetypes all have a “shadow side” too? That’s why I’m showin’ ya the GOOD and the BAD side, so make sure to hover over the imagesto learn how each character fits the Performer Archetype.


The performer brand archetype
The Good Side

Timon and Pumbaa

Timon and Pumbaa

I don’t think you can find a better example of characters for this one. They’re spontaneous, they’re funny, they always live in the moment, and they’ll dress in drag and do the hula for their buddy. #hakunamatata


The performer brand archetype
The Bad Side



Gaston is so afraid of other people thinking he’s boring that he puts on a show for the whole town. He sings, dances, and kisses a whole-lotta ass to make people like him. Ew.


The performer brand archetype
The Good Side



I mean, do I really need to explain this one? Plus, Ryan Reynolds looks pretty good in that outfit, right?


The performer brand archetype
The Bad Side



In the Comics, Loki was always a prankster. He was mischievous and constantly playing tricks on people. Unfortunately, he’s not as funny in the movies. But he’s still pretty fun to watch.


The performer brand archetype
The Good Side

Fred & George

Fred & George Weasley

Fred and George cause a little bit of trouble, but these two are great. They’re brilliant, really. And they eventually open a joke shop called Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes. Fun, right? #RIPFred


The performer brand archetype
The Bad Side

Bellatrix Lestrange

Bellatrix Lestrange

She’s pretty much the worst. She enjoyed torturing and killing people. Ugh.


The performer brand archetype
The Good Side

Tyrion Lannister

Tyrion Lannister

Tyrion is one of my favorite characters. You can always count on him to lighten the mood. Even when he’s about to be killed, or when he’s being passed around like a kidnapped-hot-potato, he’s still crackin’ jokes.


The performer brand archetype
The Bad Side

Ser Bronn

Ser Bronn

He does kill people for money, so he couldn’t really go on the good side. Buuuut he also protects people (also for money). Aside from that, he’s actually hilarious. I like him.


Performer Brand Archetype

My favorite part… Music! 

My favorite part… Music!  

Rock n roll, baby

Death to all but metal // Steel Panther

This song is a joke.


Show them to me // Rodney Carrington

Also a joke.


What does the fox say // Ylvis

Again… joke.

My favorite Performer song

Hollywood In Kentucky // Black Stone Cherry

If you don’t know me yet, you should know I’m a bit of a music snob. And I’m really proud of it.

Sure, I can appreciate the occasional pop-y song for fun, but my heart lies with the true musicians who write and play their own music.

So it’s only fitting that this is my favorite song for the Performer Brand Archetype.

I love these guys.

“Come on y’all, we all have to lighten up.”
Perfect, right?

Performer Brand Archetype

Social media profiles the Performer will love to follow


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Performer Brand Archetype

Random internet thing

You never know what’s gonna’ show up in this section

It could be a picture, a person, a gif, a video, a meme, or something else. It’s a surprise for each Brand Archetype!

It could be a picture, a person, a gif, a video, a meme, or something else.

It’s a surprise for each Brand Archetype!

These would by my children.

Performer Brand Archetype

Hey new friend!


Hey there, I’m Brooke!

I’m here to help you use your personality to stand out boldly and attract your ideal clients like a freakin’ magnet.

I just want you to focus on being you.

Because YOU are your differentiator.
YOU are your unique selling proposition.
YOU are your special sauce.
YOU are what your clients can’t get anywhere else.

Just let me teach you how to finally use it.

Learn how I can help

I know this was super fun and all, buuuuut….

Human brains are crazy, complex, amazing things, y’all

No one fits perfectly inside only 1 of 12 boxes

That’s why when you work with me, we find your top 3 Brand Archetypes and teach you how to apply the principles to your brand in a way that connects with your ideal audience on a primal, emotional level (hint: that’s where people make decisions). The better you understand your brand (and yourself), the better you can communicate your value.

Learn more about the other Brand Archetypes by clicking the images below.

caregiver brand archetype examples
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creator brand archetype examples
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explorer brand archetype examples
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hero brand archetype examples
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innocent brand archetype examples
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lover brand archetype examples
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magician brand archetype examples
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maverick brand archetype examples
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performer brand archetype examples
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regular gal brand archetype examples
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ruler brand archetype examples
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sage brand archetype examples
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